43 research outputs found

    The role of qualitative knowledge in decision making

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    System dynamics is a very elaborate theory since the works of Forrester but in cognitive psychology we enphasize its qualitative aspect which is often the only one to be practically represented namely by managers because they lack of the pertinent data to be able to perform rigorous calculation


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    Change is imperative for organizations which will remain thriving but its necessity is not always neatly perceived by those who are immersed into the daily activity; indeed, the cycle duration of change often lasts much longer than the time you practise in the same organization. To be more clear-sighted, you have to look the situation with enough loftiness and even some "obliquity". This states the problem of managing those organizations: on one hand, you have to ensure safe management as in performance-driven ones, on the other hand, you have to facilitate innovation as in adaptation-driven ones.The difficulty of this exercise lies in the difference between the two kinds of governance required


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    Metrics are a sine qua non condition of an efficient management. Indeed, management cannot be based upon intuition: it has to be underpinned by figures.\ud \ud The choice of the indicators, their link to objectives and their strategic value, the weight to be assigned to them in terms of performance and cascading accountabilities imply considering:\ud \ud - outputs vs outcomes\ud - short term vs long term\ud - suboptimization vs global optimization\ud - lagging vs leaders indicators\ud \ud New metrics methods in management are doomed to give priority to effectiveness over efficiency.\ud \u

    Learning Organization

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    Managing innovation on-line is a powerful factor of competitivity; we show how an adequate organization allows firms to reach such a target by combining knowledge management and collective learning ability

    Knowledge Management: The Paradigm of Complexity

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    Knowledge Management encounters difficulties when it aims to tackle the complexity of the innovating firms structure. Indeed, it has to enhance emergent strategies while preserving the executives goals. This may be obtained through continuous training so tha the organization woud become self-organizing thanks to the building of a collective intelligence

    Neither Ants nor Hermites

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    Acceleration of renewal of technologies make management more complex and induces organizations to absorb more and more knowledge, in less and less time; of course each member of the organization accomplishes this task of its own but only a collective effort is doomed to be efficient. To cope with such a situation, it seems that we need a new breed of managers or leaders

    How to have results from Conversations?

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    The difficulty of emergence is not the complexity but the recursivity of its working. That is why there are so many debates to know whether structure generates strategy or strategy generates structure. In fact all we know is that networking allows conversations and that conversations help creating structure, that is a system embedding procedures and technologies; in other words, the network is the tool, the conversation the use of the tool and the structure the result of this use. The use is starting from the identification of a problem, its solving and the decision making. The system itself resulting from such a process, it will be necessary to bootstrap this process starting from a network, a conversation or a nascent or already existing structure.Complexity, Emergence, Leadership, Collaborative work, Teams, Knowledge, Structures, Problems solving, Decisions making, Conversations, Goals, Roles, Strategy

    How to have results from Conversations

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    The difficulty of emergence is not the complexity but the recursivity of its working. That is why there are so many debates to know whether structure generates strategy or strategy generates structure. In fact all we know is that networking allows conversations and that conversations help creating structure, that is a system embedding procedures and technologies; in other words, the network is the tool, the conversation the use of the tool and the structure the result of this use. The use is starting from the identification of a problem, its solving and the decision making. The system itself resulting from such a process, it will be necessary to bootstrap this process starting from a network, a conversation or a nascent or already existing structure.\ud \u

    Prospects on Innovating Organizations

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    We aim to give the main rationale to create products and/or services in a state-of-mind associating every stakeholder in the frame of a reactive and networked organization. This implies a value-chain from basic research to users needs, the starting point being often fuzzy. The consequences upon the strategy of the firm's offer is analyzed as well from a quantitative point of view (accounting) than a qualitative one. Various forms of organizations are reviewed or suggested, including the kind of corresponding culture, the necessary data-bases and the importance of collaboration.reactive organization; collaborative work; teams; creativity: holistic attitude; fuzzy front-end; global supply; emergent strategy; collective intelligence; virtual enterprise; decision making; rank; peers

    Knowledge Assisted Innovation

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    In the present world, change has become a necessity for any organization. This change may be the consequence of evolution of technology, market needs or users behaviour as well as, of course,environment (legal, geopolitical,climatic,cultural and so on); it imposes innovations into numerous fields such as products and services,processes and business models. To accomplish such innovations, knowledge management is a must from the front-end of the value chain until its concrete form that is from basic research to practical requirements. This strategic approach may be carried out through a "Project" state of mind and collaborative work for which KM provides the necessary tools.knowledge; innovation; Real Time Marketing; networks; democratic corporation; participative innovation; K-Maps; human capital; basic research; thought leaders; Fuzzy Front End